Enhancing create....

MILLAU, France - Piercing the sky above the verdant hills of southern France, a roadway bridge hailed as the tallest in the world.

Celebrated as a work of art and an object of French national pride, the Millau bridge enables motorists to take a drive through the sky — 891 feet above the Tarn River valley for 1.6-mile stretch through France’s Massif Central mountains.

Designed by British architect Norman Foster, the steel-and-concrete bridge with its streamlined diagonal suspension cables rests on seven pillars — the tallest measuring 1,122 feet, making it 53 feet taller than the Eiffel Tower.


Also known as the Pearl Bridge, this structure spans the strait between the islands of Honshu and Awaji in Japan.

Upon its opening in 1998, the Pearl Bridge became the longest suspension bridge in the world, with a center span measuring 6,532 feet in length — making it a full quarter-mile longer than the previous record-holder.
